TREASoURcE is organizing an online workshop on 13 February 2024 at 14:00-16:00 EET/UTC+2 on the Regulatory drivers and barriers for the circular economy of bio-based side and waste streams.
New possibilities and business models have been created to more efficiently utilize bio-based side and waste streams generated from agriculture, forestry, food industry and urban sources. As new business models for the bio industry are created, understanding the regulatory framework in the intersection of waste, fertilizers, bio energy and new products is more crucial than ever.
The EU funded TREASoURcE project aims to increase our common understanding of the needed changes in the policy framework by hosting a workshop. Focus will be on exploring the regulatory drivers and barriers impacting the circular economy of bio-based side and waste streams. As an outcome of the workshop, the project will formulate policy recommendations addressed to relevant EU and national authorities to promote the sector.
We welcome all stakeholders interested in both advancing the circular economy of the bio industry and sharing their perspectives on the policy landscape.
14:00-14:30 (UTC+2) Welcome, introduction and workshop instructions
- Welcome and introduction of facilitators
- Background: TREASoURcE project
- Discussion points of the workshop
- Technical instructions & entering break-out rooms
14:30-15:30 UTC+2 Workshop session in groups
15:30-16:00 UTC+2 Wrap-up of the discussions of each group, future steps and contact points
Register to the event today to promote a more sustainable future!
Registration is open until 11 February 2024, 23:59 (UTC +2).
Please note the different time zones, the workshop will take place 14.00-16.00 UTC +2 (Eastern European Time), 13.00-15.00 UTC +1 (Central European Time).