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How do you communicate a difficult topic like climate?

At this workshop we worked on climate communication. The results from the workshop will be processed afterwards and result in a handbook. Through the manual, municipalities will have a concrete tool to use in their climate and energy planning. The manual will, among other things, address how to make communicating plans and tips on climate communication where the municipality is the sender.

Mona Nilsen from Østfoldforskning guided us through the day. There were exciting lectures by climate communicator Jessica Cederberg Wodmar from JCW Sustainable Communication and Climate Psychologist Christian Klöckner from Norway’s Technical and Natural Sciences University.

During the workshop on the 27th of november we challenged our participants on how to communicate climate to the population in our municipalities.

The nine different groups got five different cases. The task was to create a post on social media addressing the problem. The participants were from Spain, Sweden, Latvia, Croatia, Belgium and Norway.

This is what they came up with:


  • Intro – Mona Nilsen, Østfoldforskning

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  • Wake up – Jessica Cederberg Wodmar, JCW

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  • Examples from Bærum municipality – Liv Eva Wiedswang

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  • Examples from Moss municipality – Cecilie Kildahl and Vibeke Weibell Eliassen

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  • But why don’t we act? – Dr. Christian A. Klöckner, NTNU

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